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What is tracking report? How accurate is it?

If you are subscribed to Package 2 or up, there is a "Report" feature. You can get the following reports within a specified time range:

- Tracking Summary Report. This will show the total mileage, total transit time, total stop time, number of stops, average transit time, average stop time, and max speed for each unit.

- Travel Report. This gives the detailed travel and stop report including begin time, end time, duration, coordinates, max speed, and mileage.

- Travel Report with Address (Package 3 only). This report is the same as the Travel Report above except for showing addresses instead of coordinates.

- Geofence Report (Package 3 only) - shows begin time, end time, duration, max speed, and mileage when inside and out of fences.

- State Mileage Report (US only. Package 3 only) - shows mileage inside each state, first time in the state, last time in the state. Mileages are grouped by each state and by each unit. Useful for fuel tax purpose.

The accuracy of the report can be affected by:

1. The tracking update interval. The shorter the update interval is, the more accurate the report is.

2. The GPS and network quality. For poor GPS signal, the unit may not be able to acquire the position all the time and miss data. For poor network coverage, the unit may not able to send out the data all the time.

Properties ID: 000074   Views: 25307   Updated: 5 years ago

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